What's Happening


Meet the candidates seeking statewide office in North Dakota

In election years, North Dakota Living offers its platform as the state’s largest circulated publication to familiarize voters with the candidates seeking statewide office.

North Dakota Living posed two questions to candidates in select statewide races, including U.S. senator, representative in Congress, governor and lieutenant governor, and public service commissioner. Their responses are published here through page 31.

Additionally, the Democratic-NPL and Republican candidates for governor, Merrill Piepkorn and Kelly Armstrong, face off this month in the North Dakota Living “Recipe Roundup” section on pages 32 and 33, where each shared a favorite family recipe!

The majority who participate

Please get out and vote. Whether you are an early voter or an Election Day voter, North Dakota voters have options. Your voice matters.

We are inclined to provide a platform for introductions and give statewide candidates an opportunity to reach rural voters through the vast reach of this magazine. In this issue, statewide candidates weigh in on matters important to co-op members, electric cooperatives and the communities we serve.