NDAREC recognizes 15 apprenticeship graduates

The North Dakota Association of Rural Electric Cooperatives (NDAREC) announces the graduation of 14 lineworkers and one meter technician from its apprenticeship program. After four years of on-the-job training and independent study, these employees are now fully qualified to take on the vital responsibilities of ensuring safe and reliable utility service for North Dakotans. Graduates were recognized during a Jan. 9 awards ceremony at the NDAREC Apprenticeship, Training and Safety Conference.

“On behalf of NDAREC, I’d like to congratulate this year’s graduates,” says NDAREC Executive Vice President and General Manager Josh Kramer. “Lineworkers and meter technicians play a critical role in delivering the power that sustains our homes, businesses and communities. These jobs come with inherent risk, and they require a deep understanding of safety, technology and precision. By completing NDAREC’s apprenticeship program, these graduates have demonstrated the knowledge and skills necessary to fulfill their roles and power the lives of more than 250,000 North Dakotans.”

The following apprentice graduates achieved journeyman lineworker status in 2024:

  • Cole Leier, Capital Electric Cooperative
  • Riley Headings, McKenzie Electric Cooperative
  • Chance Magilke, Mor-Gran-Sou Electric Cooperative
  • Layton Kasper, Mor-Gran-Sou Electric Cooperative
  • Dayton Seborg, Mountrail-Williams Electric Cooperative
  • Tyler Kahl, Mountrail-Williams Electric Cooperative
  • Jacob Lund, Nodak Electric Cooperative
  • Jordan Johnson, Nodak Electric Cooperative
  • Kyle Volk, North Central Electric Cooperative
  • Cooper Vols, North Central Electric Cooperative
  • Colton Walters, Roughrider Electric Cooperative
  • Brandon Behm, Valley City Public Works
  • Andy Linstrom, Verendrye Electric Cooperative
  • Riley Keller, Verendrye Electric Cooperative

In 2024, Lori Wright, McKenzie Electric Cooperative, became the first woman to complete NDAREC’s meter technician apprenticeship program. As a journeyman meter technician, Wright will play a crucial role in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the services that power the lives of the cooperative’s members.

Jacob Lund, Nodak Electric Cooperative, received this year's Outstanding Apprentice Award, which is sponsored by the North Dakota Managers Association. Lund was the highest-ranking apprentice in both related studies and on-the-job performance.

“Jake has excelled in every category of line work,” says Crew Foreman Mike Foerster, Nodak Electric Cooperative. “He brings nothing but positive energy to our crew and is a great role model for new apprentices in our cooperative.”

Over the past 56 years, more than 800 people have completed NDAREC’s apprenticeship program. To graduate, apprentices must complete 8,000 hours of on-the-job training and 576 hours of study.


Electric cooperatives recognized for 2024 safety achievements

The North Dakota Association of Rural Electric Cooperatives (NDAREC) is proud to recognize one individual and 11 North Dakota electric cooperatives for safety achievements in 2024.

“North Dakota’s electric cooperatives are deeply committed to protecting their crews, members and the communities they serve. Powering the lives of 250,000 North Dakotans comes with inherent risks. Even a minor misstep can lead to a severe injury or fatality. Through rigorous training and safety compliance, this year's award recipients have demonstrated a culture of safety and mitigated these risks. We are proud to celebrate their outstanding safety achievements,” says NDAREC Executive Vice President and General Manager Josh Kramer.

On Jan. 9, NDAREC held an awards ceremony and presented the following awards:

The Stepping Up for Safety Award recognizes outstanding safety advocates who, through their actions, inspire peers to commit to safe job performance and have greatly influenced their cooperatives’ safety culture. 

Bill Sadowsky, North Central Electric Cooperative

The Decade of Safety Excellence Award recognizes outstanding performance in safety, resulting in zero lost-time accidents for 10 consecutive years.  

McLean Electric Cooperative

The Safety Excellence Award recognizes outstanding performance in safety. To achieve this award, a cooperative must not have had a lost-time accident for five consecutive years.

Cavalier Rural Electric Cooperative

The Certificate of Safety Achievement recognizes successful participants of the Rural Electric Safety Achievement Program (RESAP), a national safety program that encourages electric cooperatives to achieve and maintain high safety standards for the protection of employees and the community. The following cooperatives earned this certificate for 2024:

  • Cavalier Rural Electric Cooperative

  • Dakota Valley Electric Cooperative

  • Lower Yellowstone Rural Electric Cooperative

  • Minnkota Power Cooperative

  • Mor-Gran-Sou Electric Cooperative

  • Northern Plains Electric Cooperative

  • Burke-Divide Electric Cooperative

The Safety Performance Award is presented to cooperatives with zero recordable injuries for one year. Cooperatives and contractors that achieved this safety initiative between Dec. 1, 2023, and Nov. 30, 2024, are:

  • Cavalier Rural Electric Cooperative

  • Dakota Valley Electric Cooperative

  • McLean Electric Cooperative

  • Roughrider Electric Cooperative

  • Slope Electric Cooperative

  • Capital Electric Cooperative

  • 3C Construction

Through its safety awards and recognition program, NDAREC has recognized outstanding safety performance for more than 60 years.