The Rural Development Finance Corporation is a North Dakota nonprofit finance and development corporation whose member-owners are all the North Dakota Rural Electric Cooperatives, nine of the North Dakota Rural Telecommunication Cooperatives and the North Dakota Association of Rural Electric Cooperatives. Funding for these programs comes from fee income generated by Dakotas America LLC, a certified development entity providing New Market Tax Credits in the Dakotas. More information on Dakotas America can be found at

RDFC provides low interest loans to businesses and political subdivisions in communities of 10,000 or less people and to cooperatives who have a major economic benefit for rural people. RDFC considers authorization of a grant program on an annual basis to be used to support community owned entities, non-profits and community-based projects.


RDFC Biennial Reports

RDFC Board of Directors

Loan Information


Rural communities enjoy a vibrant and fulfilling
quality of life through RDFC initiatives.


RDFC encourages economic diversification and community vitality through the generation of funding that supports sustainable asset building.


  • RDFC considers proposals to help build assets in rural communities and cooperatives

  • RDFC values allowing communities to define their needs and methods for building assets

  • RDFC employs maximum flexibility in our work and funding

  • RDFC values leveraging of resources

  • RDFC manages fiscally sound programs