Notice: Suspension of RFBC Program Services
As of February 25, 2025, services under the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service Regional Food Business Center (RFBC) program are suspended pending further clarification on federal funding. We appreciate your patience and will provide updates as more information becomes available.
Through funding provided to the NDREC Foundation, our rural development center is a technical assistance provider to the North Central USDA Regional Food Business Center. Our services include:
- Connecting local food producers and other businesses in the food supply chain with financial assistance and funding.
- One-on-one help with Business Builder grant applications and similar requests.
- Coordinating collaboration and communication among entities and businesses in the added value food supply chain.
- Helping with the development and implementation of regional and state action plans.
Business Builder Grants
- To strengthen and support food businesses, particularly to increase access to local and regional markets. To be eligible, the business activity must be post-harvest.
- $200,000 available annually in North Dakota from 2024-2028.
- Up to $50,000 per business.
- No matching funds required.
- In 2025, the application period is to open March 1 with a deadline of April 30. Application information will be posted here.
- An announcement of awardees is expected in June.
- Project implementation is expected to be within 2 years of award.
- Eligible applicants include growers, producers, aggregators, distributors, and food access points such as food co-ops, farmers markets.
- For-profit private sector and non-profit organizations that are small to mid-sized food value chain participants are encouraged to apply.
- In 2024, grants could support staff time; business planning; software implementation; equipment purchases for food safety, processing or packaging; value chain or supply chain coordination and innovation; product development, and marketing.
View an April 2024 Q&A session here.
To learn more about the North Central USDA Regional Food Business Center, visit